What’s in a name?

The ‘japonica‘ of Japonica Plants is, of course, a specific epithet meaning ‘from Japan’. Botanical Latin is wonderful for many reasons but its ability to label a plant with an instant description or location is one of the best. Here are some more specific names connected with Asia.

Athyrium nipponicum var. pictum

nipponicum from Japan

yedoensis, yesoensis, yezoensis from Tokyo

yezoalpinus from the mountains of Hokkaido, Japan

Ephedra sinica

chinensis, sinensis, sinica, cathayense from China

pekinensis from Beijing

setschwanensis, sichuanicus, szechuanicus from Sichuan province

Bergenia emeiensis

emeiensis from Mt Emei, a botanical hotspot in Sichuan

guizhouensis, kouytchensis from Guizhou province

koreanus, coreanus from Korea

siamensis from Thailand

tibetanus, tibeticus from Tibet

Pleione formosana

taiwanensis, formosanus from Taiwan

Many of these names were checked at http://davesgarden.com/guides/botanary/ which is an excellent resource if you would like to find out more.